CS: Proximal Lateral Hip/Pelvic Pain (11-15-18)

  • Hello Cara
  • Below are a couple movements to try for the pain in the lateral aspect of your hip
  • If any of these movements cause pain…don’t do it and email me to let me know so I can make some alternative recommendations
  • I have some more involved programs for the hip and glute progressions, but I figured I would start you with some basic stuff first to see how it goes
  • Option #1: Tennis ball to press into the area of pain lightly, Try this for 1-2 days 2x/day
    • In the video below I get on and off of sensitive areas
    • This is not always helpful and if you feel like it is causing pain, stop doing it
    • You can put the ball just above the boney prominence on your lateral hip as well
    • The other option is on your back more into the glute
  • Option #2: Activation: 1-2x per day hold each 3-5 sec 5-15x
    • A couple Pillows or books under foot so you are only lifting in a small range
    • Can also be done in standing with a band
      • band around the ankles is more difficult then the knees
  • Option #3: Lightly Stretch it….LIGHTLY, 2-3x per day 10-15reps
    • Lying Down Option
    • Standing Option
      • Second half of video around the 2:30 mark