- 11-3 Update
- 2-3x/day and ice 10-15mn after
- S-4A Side lying Low Load Long Duration Behind the Back Stretch VIDEO
- 30seconds, work up to holding 1-2 minutes
- S-3 Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- The first part where you push the arm straight back 3x30sec
- second part where you hold the can across your back with both hands
- start hands wide and reach back hold 10-15 sec
- go closer together with your hands a lift off again 10-15sec
- as close together as possible lift off 10-15sec
- each position 3x
- S-7 Sleeper Stretch->Behind Back with Towel->Reach Opposite Arm VIDEO
- pillowcase pulling the hand towards opposite hip and then upward once you get to opposite hip
- 3x30sec
- pillowcase pulling the hand towards opposite hip and then upward once you get to opposite hip
- S-5 Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- hammer between your hands as you rest on your forearms
- pulsing in and out for 30sec 3x
- S-6 Shoulder External Rotation at Neutral and 90deg with Isometric Internal Rotation VIDEO
- On back use a small towel under elbow
- Keep elbow in “L” position
- and keep cane angled upward
- Try this sequence of movements below. Any movement that is painful do not hold in that position just move slowly in and out. If a movement feels like a stretch without much pain you can hold that position for 10-20sec initially. If there is pain associated with the movement, move lightly in and out of that position. It is alright to have pain as long as the pain goes away when you stop the movement. Pain that lingers or feels like it is getting worse as you do it is usually too much. try the movements below as a circuit to be completed 2-4x/day lightly initially using ice as needed after to minimize soreness. If you move in and out of a movement do it 15-20x, If you are alb to hold the stretch hold 10-20sec and do 5-10 reps
- S-3 Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- do just the first movement
- S-7 Sleeper Stretch->Behind Back with Towel->Reach Opposite Arm VIDEO
- just do the second movement on the video not the laying down portion
- S-5 Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- S-6 Shoulder External Rotation at Neutral and 90deg with Isometric Internal Rotation VIDEO