- 5-13-20 Updates
- Daily Light Movements:
- Strength Circuits: Complete every other day
- 4-20-20
- Initial Home Program
- Focused on light motions to offload areas that are painful
- They are meant to do gently and often
- Seated Hands on head breathing mixed with some genlte lean back and chin tuck
- 10.2) Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- This is similar to what you are doing on the pool noodle
- Just keep it light and spend time just lying on the floor without the noodle doing this intermittently
- Like we discussed, try to spend more time here then sitting in a chai ror couch when you can
- 121.5) Supine Band Pull Apart VIDEO
- Try this wiht a very light resistance band
- This just starts to incoproate some muscle activation inot that chest opening position
- 2 sets of 10-15 reps
- If you don’t have a band or this is painful, let me know and I will give you an alternative