- Day 1 Review
- Limitations:
- Sidelying Rotation to the left compared to the right
- Ability to support the left side by pressing into the Left arm which activates the Left lateral trunk
- Left hip stability with heavier squatting
- thoracic flexion limiting chin to chest motion and ability to lay back and reach legs overhead
- Mobility Sequence to be completed daily as a warm up/cool down to decrease risk of injury/pain
- Movement #1: Thoracic flexion and extension: Choose 1
- Option #1: Seated
- Option #2: Kneeling
- Movement #2: Sidelying or Standing Overhead reach with Breathing
- Movement #3: Cat Position Thoracic Flexion and Abdominal Activation
- Movement #4: Thoracic Rotation
- Strength Circuit
- These are movements you want to feel are fairly symmetrical
- This can be done 2-4x per week with a rest day in between
- You should not have any increase in pain, if you do email me and I will make adjustments
- Complete as a circuit, 2-3x through the circuit
- Single Leg Deadlifts
- Side plank Test
- Start at Higher surface
- Goal 30-90sec
- If you are able to get to 90sec without pain, go to a lower surface
- If you get pain, don’t do it
- Single Leg Squats