- Day 1 Program
- Complete everyday short of pain
- Childs Pose Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- 10-15 reps
- Don’t shrug shoulders
- 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- You can use a post or just press into the top of your thigh like we did
- Hold 5 sec, 5-10x each leg
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- No leg lift yet
- Hold 5 sec…5 sec break…hold 10 sec…5 sec break…keep ramping up hold time until fatigue
- Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- small leg lift, hold 5 sec, relax 5 sec, try for 5-10 each leg
- Band Pull Down One Knee VIDEO
- Maintain abdominal tension and let arm go slowly up, stopping short of low back pain or tightness
- 5-10x each arm