- Building from week one, we discussed what was working and what wasn’t
- The movements that possibly caused some irritation were the “push the car stuck in the snow” and the step knee bend which you reported you didn’t get to
- Try the new sequence below which incorporates some of the old with some new movements
- Daily Sequence: Complete 1-2x/day
- Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO
- 2-3 spots into the back of your hip each for 10-15 reps
- Side Lying IT Band VIDEO
- I also discussed with you rolling on top of the tennis ball on your side to hit points along the lateral aspect of your thigh. Lay on each point for 30sec up to 1-2 min
- Bridge with heels close to hips VIDEO
- Included is an option for a band around the knees to decrease knee pain during the exercise which may be helpful at end of video
- start with 5-10 reps slow
- Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO
- Every Other Day: Do the circuit above along with the circuit below
- Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- 5-20 reps each leg slow
- Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- 5-20 reps
- Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- Band around the knees, start with the green and progress to the blue
- Try for 30-90sec slow controlled motion without pain
- Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- Adjust knee position as needed to minimize pain
- Typically less knee bend will be more comfortable
- 5-20 reps holding each for 5 seconds
- Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- Current Movements to avoid from week one but we will return to later will be:
- Counter Push Phase 1 VIDEO
- 5-10 reps each leg
- Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- 5-10 reps each leg
- Counter Push Phase 1 VIDEO