- Day 2 Updates Below
- Warm Up: Can be done daily
- Rock hands and knees
- 1/2 kneel hip flexor stretch
- Rolling into rotation stretch
- Strength Circuits:
- Circuit #1
- Deadbug: 10-15 reps
- Deep Squat to about a step height: 10-15 reps
- Circuit #2
- Bear holds: increase by 10 sec each time
- Reverse Lunge: 10-15 reps
- Circuit #3
- Single Leg Bridge
- Band Pull Down One Knee
- Initial core strength Circuit
- Do the sequence below as a circuit 1x/day, go through the circuit 2-3x
- Movement #1: Bear holds
- Movement #2: Feet elevated bridge
- Goal 8-20 reps
- Can be done on a ball or feet elevated on a couch/chair
- Movement #3: Dead bug
- 30-90sec
- Can be done with or without band