Organizing a return to hitting balls/golf specific regimen will be helpful as you increase the activity
Below will give you levels to progress as specified by the soreness rules that I list below
STRENGTH STUFF SHOULD BE 2-3 days per week and Hitting balls should be 2-3 days per week
Initially it might be 3 days strength and 2 days hitting balls, as you are feeling good and the soreness rules allow you to hit 3x in a week, you will shift to 2 strengthening days and 3 ball hitting days
READ the soreness rules first
*These rules are meant to guide your progress through a return to golf program in an effort to allow individuals to progress safely without over training. They are based on the symptoms that you experience during and after workouts. These rules are based on an article in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy that set up a program for individuals returning to running following ACL repair.
Soreness during the warm up that continues during the session = 2 days off, drop down a level
Soreness during the warm up that goes away = Stay at that level
Soreness during the warm up that goes away but redevelops during session = 2 days off, drop down a level
Soreness the day after (not muscle soreness) = 1 day off, do not advance program
No Soreness = Advance 1 level once there is no soreness for 3 consecutive attempts at that level
Level 1: 20 balls irons only 50% of max swing
level 2: 30 balls irons only 50% max swing
level 3: 40 balls irons only 50%
level 4: 50 balls irons only 50%
Increase by 10 balls each time until you are hitting what you typically would
Once you get to the total ball count you would usually hit for example 60 balls
Then Phase 2:
Level 1: Irons 10 balls max swing other 50 at 50% swing power
Level 2: irons 20 balls max swing and other 40 balls 50%
Levels progress with increase in max swing balls and decrease of 50% swing power balls
Phase 3:
Level 1: 10 balls driver 50% power, 50 balls iron max swing
Level 2: 20 balls driver 50% power, 40 balls iron max swing
Level 3: 30 balls driver 50% power, 30 balls iron max swing
Phase 4:
Same as above but driver is now max swing and irons are also max swing