Home » SC: Proximal hamstring/Adductor Pain with Deep Squat and Running Week 3
Review of this week’s conversation:
Report is similar symptoms as noted from previous week below
Feels continued discomfort in high hamstring and adductor has been very painful
Reproduction of pain with standing adductor activation
Burning sensation in the lateral aspect of the glute with weight bearing leg during bear position
Significant pain in the periscapular region with mild relief following self myofascial release
Symptoms aggravated by static sitting postures
Tigger point at scalene insertion reproduces symptoms in the median nerve distribution into the hand
Running with any increase speed also reproduces hip/groin pain
Plan for this week:
Continue with the strength circuit below since you don’t feel it had any negative impact
Be careful with the ball bridge progression in that it does isolate the hamstring pretty well and overdoing that movement can increase pain
Implement more self myofascial release in your warm up
I know you have done some of this but I have my own techniques I have found to be helpful so give them a try
Shoulder/Neck: Didn’t get much feedback so will continue to progress as planned
Activate deep neck flexors without over activation of SCM and scalenes
Scapular depression and self 1st rib mobilization
Progress loading into thoracic extension
Progress loading of hip flexor similar to what is required for running
introduce self release strategies for psoas and proximal hamstirng
Goals this week
Establish a good light mobility/warm up sequence to be done everyday
This is meant to reduce pain when symptoms are irritated and focus on establishing good muscle recruitment patterns
If any of the movements cause pain or feel like they are not having any significant impact, email me and I will substitute some other options
Establish some strength circuits that can be done 3-4x per week to challenge the system
Goal is 8-20reps SLOW or for time 30-90sec
Mobility/Warm Up Sequence: This can be done everyday
Strength Circuit #1:
This should be done every other day (3-4 days per week)
Goal is for 8-20 reps or 30-90sec
Do 1 set of each exercise and then repeat the circuit 2-3x
Laying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
Focus on 4-5 sec eccentric load and get through full range of motion
may work best using an a short curl bar
Pick a weight that you are able to get through full range, slow eccentric, and keep low back flat against floor
Goal: Load into thoracic ext and latissimus stretch
Table Top Progression VIDEO
Keep pressure on heels
Scapula down and back avoiding anterior tilt of scapula
Same slow and controlled rule applies
Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Choose 1)
Strength Circuit #2