SC: R Lumbosacral Junction Pain After Kettlebell Swings: In Office Patient (11-16-18, 12-1-18, 12-24-18, 1-9-19)

  • Updated as of 1-28-19
    • I included some progressions below in BOLD
    • Make sure that you are not having any increase in pain with the movements below
  • Updated as of 1-9-19
  • Updated as of 12-24-18
    • See additions below
  • Updated as of 12-13-18
    • See bold changes below
  • Updated as of 12-1-18
    • We talked about the importance of abdominal activation and not doing too many exercises that cause you to tense your lower back
    • For now:
      • In standing only do body weight exercises and be careful of any exercise that makes you want to tense your lower back
      • Do the following movements everyday. They can be done as a warm up pre workout and some can be incorporated in between posterior chain stuff to make sure you are not tensing your lower back too much
      • For example: If you do a row or lat pull down or even an overhead shoulder press and you think you may have arched your back, Try a set of bear or a plank in between sets to reduce risk of pain in the lower back post workout
  • Phase 1 movements that will improve your pain: Can be done every day 2x per day as before
    • Movement #1: Add cross leg isometric seated or lying on your back throughout the day lightly and make sure your back is not flexed
      • 5-10x hold each 5 sec
      • Lying down option
      • Seated Option: This is the one we did
    • Movement #2: Step elevated lunge stretch
      • 10-15x each leg
      • The video shows the forward motion but you can also rock back to lightly straighten front leg to feel front leg hamstring stretch
    • Movement #3: Pull knee to your chest, can be one at a time like in the video or both knees together like we did in the office
      • Do not hold just move in and out
    • Movement #4: Abdominal stabilization Deadbug: Can be done with or without band
      • Band is nice as it makes it more challenging
    • Movement #5: Rock on hands and knees but not into upward dog
    • Movement #6: Kicks to the ceiling
    • Movement #7: Bear Position
      • can do a static hold in bear for 60-90sec
      • If that gets easy try the leg lift for 5-10sec alternating legs
    • Movement #8: Calf Stretch
      • In and out ankle/calf stretch
  • Strength Circuits that can be completed every other day: Go through each circuit 2-3 sets
    • Circuit #1
      • Bear with the leg lifts
        • Hold on both feet 10sec, then lift one leg 10sec, then back to both feet 10sec, then lift other leg 10 sec, repeat that sequence for 1-2 minutes
      • Single Leg Reverse Lunge: Can be done with TRX
        • 8-15 reps
      • SQUAT JUMPS 
        • 8-20 REPS
    • Circuit #2
      • TRX Squats
        • 8-20 reps
        • Can Progress to body weight deep squats to 12 inch height one set
          • Band around knees isn’t necessary
          • 2nd set Goblet squat with weight to 18 inch height
      • Bear Box Row
        • 8-20 reps
        • Can be on feet or one knee on bench
      • 1/2 kneel overhead press inverted kettlebell
        • 10-20 reps each side
    • Circuit #3
      • Weighted Pullover
        • 8-20 reps
      • Band in hand down on one knee chest fly
        • 8-20 reps
        • 8-20 REPS
    • Circuit #4
      • Sideplank progression 
        • hold 30sec to 2 minutes
      • Single leg deadlift
        • 8-15 reps
        • start slow and short of pain
      • Bar Hang Knees to Chest
        • 8-20 reps SLOW
  • Phase 2: This should be attempted once per day, if it hurts don’t do it.: Don’t do this for now
    • We discussed the sideplank as a position that you need to master before higher level movement
    • Your progression for the sideplank is the following
    • Step 1: Breathing on your side: lay on the side that is more comfortable and do it 15x, then lay on the less comfortable side and do 5reps
      • Do this 1x/day
      • As it gets less painful do it 10x on each side
      • Once there is no pain on either side progress to step 2
    • Step 2: Wall position with the same parameters as above doing 15 on the side that feels good and 5 on the less comfortable side
      • This replaces the movement above when you are able
      • If this movement causes increased pain go back to step 1
    • Step 3: Side plank holds
      • Replaces movement above when the movement above is no longer limited or painful
      • Goal: symmetrical endurance on each side without pain