SP: R Leg Pain with Gluteus Medius and Maximus Weakness/Overuse TFL

  • Background Information Concerning Common Sources of Lateral Hip and IT Band Pain LINK
    • Information regarding sources of pain and some reasoning behind possible contributing factors
    • Changes to daily activities that will likely reduce lateral hip pain tendon irritation
    • Positions to be careful with/avoid early on in the process
  • Disclaimer/Program Philosophy LINK
    • It’s short…please read it and follow it
    • If it does, try to stop short of pain or do not do that particular movement
    • If you have pain after the sequence or the day after that is more then mild discomfort
      • Use ice as needed (10-20 minutes 2-3x/day)
      • Do one of the movements, see how you feel after and the next day
      • If that goes fine do that movement and add another one the following day
      • Use this approach to discover which movement caused the irritation
      • Either discontinue that movement or an even better option…see if you can do that movement more gently by decreasing the amount of range you go through, the number of reps, or the resistance to see if you can stop it from being painful
      • While this program is meant to be safe, and cautious, all movements are not perfect for everyone and if as you are doing something it feels sore or hurts after, don’t do it.
      • IT is very improtant for you to recognize as you are doing these movements, what impact they are having. If they are increasing pain and you hurt more afterwards, that is likely not benefiting you. Skip that movement or attempt to adjust it to make it less uncomfortable
      • Many of the exercises will include multiple options to account for this
  • Most importantly, I applaud you for taking this step to improve yourself. It is easy to be frustrated when you have something that interferes with activities you enjoy as well as daily life. The most important thing you can gain from this experience is BODY AWARENESS.
    • There is something about the way you are currently using your body that has led you here. It is not necessarily about finding the perfect exercises, but about trying to feel what I am describing during the movements I give you and applying that to daily activities.
  • Weeks 0-2 Program LINK
  • Weeks 2-4 Program LINK
  • Weeks 4-6 Program LINK
  • Weeks 6-8 Program LINK
  • MD & Patient Report
    • Subjective:
      • H/o falling off of a wall
      • Symptoms including nerve pain in the lower leg is now reduced following active release therapy
      • Fatigue in the R leg with too much activity
      • Spasms in the R hamstring with description of sciatic pain
      • Tenderness over the lateral hip
      • Lying down improves symptoms, activity increases symptoms
      • Has to stop throughout the day due to significant tightness and fatigue
      • Goals: Improve endurance and activity level with daily activities, return to gym related program, return to bike riding
    • Objective MD exam
      • Full lumbar motion
      • Tenderness over gluteus medius tendon and ITB on the R to the mid thigh
      • Weakness in glute max and med
      • +Pain with reisted hamstring muscle test