- September 9, 2019 Update
- August 11, 2019
- July 29, 2019
- July 15, 2019
- thank you for the feedback
- This week I will give you a couple movements to try mixed in with your current movements to see if they are helpful in reducing your symptoms
- Week Two LINK
- thank you for the feedback
- July 8, 2019 week
- This is your home page
- On it you will find:
- The history you provided me with
- A disclaimer which provides some general information in regards to how you should approach this program (Disclaimer LINK)
- Updates to your program that will appear at the top of this page.
- The first week is the most important
- I use it as more of a test week to see how you feel with various positions. Based on your response to the first week, I will have some direction in what movements I feel are going to be most helpful for you long term.
- Feel free to email me anytime with questions
- Week One LINK
History: I injured my back/hip In july 2018 while sliding down a natural side in ohiopyle. Following that, I had several scratches and bruises throughout my buttocks and back and it was very painful for a few weeks. It was hard to get out of bed- I didn’t have lot of physical activity during that time, and mostly refrained from doing much. The pain was mostly in my lower left back-around my paraspinal muscles. Towards end of august, I resumed running again- I normally ran 2-4 miles a day, but started off slowly. I continued my workouts through september but noticed that my pain was not resolving- it was mostly around my back and also my hip. I saw a physical therapist through center for rehab services at our university health center on the recommendation of a physician there.
PT treatment: I spent a little over 8 weeks with the PT there. The PT said that my left hip was more forward and the right and she did a maneuver to push it back and told me to do the self-muscle energy technique at home. I also started out doing exercises like prone press up and other exercises to start to mobilize the SI joint, including one where my right leg is on the ground and left leg is on the bed and i push up off the bed and go back down. I also did exercises to strengthen my core- including one where I lay flat on the floor and lift my leg a few inches off the ground. I also used an resistance band to do “clams”. I also did bridges towards the end of the therapy program.
After PT: Through the PT treatment, my pain moved from my back to my hips- although I still have tenderness in my back, it’s mostly my left hip now.
I was part of a treatment research study that combined daily 30 minute walking with guided meditation for about a month. I noticed towards the end of the month the pain was less and I was able to but move without significant pain. But I still felt some heaviness in my leg. I increased the amount of exercise following the research study -including 30 min on the elliptical and pushups, crunches, bridges. A few weeks later my pain became much worse and I had to see Dr. Petraglia. No position made it better and sleeping was difficult. I have tightness all down my left leg with occasional twitches in my calf, thigh, and butt that correlates to the pain in my hip. I’ve stopped exercising since then other than some light yoga/stretching.
Better/Worse: Prolonged position of any kind- wether it’s sitting or standing or walking will make it worse. Spreading my legs wide makes it worse, and doing strength exercises for my glut muscles will make my gluteus medius muscle very sore.
Goals: Immediate goal is to be able to get through the day normally without pain or discomfort in my back and hips. Whether that means walking around for classes, sitting for prolonged hours to study/be in class, or walking around/standing in the hospital (I’m a medical student). All of these are difficult to do right now without getting frustrated or anxious. I’m also going to India next week to do field work and there will be walking involved and I don’t want to make anything worse. Long term goal is to resume my level of activity before the injury which includes daily exercise- i.e running and strength exercises and also dance and sexual activity.