- Subjective Complaints
- Pain located in the lower back along with soreness in the outer hip in the region of the greater trochanter bilaterally
- Right outer hip is more sore then the left with symptoms on the left side in the front of the left foot
- Symptoms are worse with prolonged sitting, driving, walking and reduced with pain medication
- Reports a history of MRI 4-5 years ago with some degeneration between L4-L5
- Previously went to physical therapy and has been going to chiropractic but feels it is no longer helping as much
- Denies groin pain but does have some difficulty when he has been sitting for a while when he goes to stand up
- Past Medical History
- hypertension
- Prostate issues
- hypercholesteremia
- Past Surgical History
- Hit by a truck in 1958, coma and broken bones
- Objective Findings
- Rises from sitting slightly gingerly
- Hips externally rotated with ambulation
- Full lumbar flexion
- lacking 50% lumbar ext with mild pain
- Negative SLUMP and SLR
- 30deg External rotation both hips with lateral hip pain
- 15deg internal rotation with pulling in the groin
- Positive FABER for hip and groin pain
- Prone hip ER/IR caused thigh pain
- Significant tenderness to palpation over greater trochanter and distal glute med with radiation of symptoms to lateral calf and shin
- Xray
- lumbar
- facet arthrosis
- slight loss of disc height L5-L6
- pelvis/hips
- moderate arthritis both acetabular, right more then left
- Intra articular hip injections were not beneficial
- Had physical therapy that was focused more so on his back and had no significant relief of symptoms