- Phase 2 will focus on alternating the previous circuit with a more challenging circuit the following day
- It will be very important as the movements become more challenging to remain in a pain free range
- The deeper you move into the range, the more likely you are to put pressure on areas that may still be sensitive
- You are better of increasing the reps or resistance in a short range rather then progressing too deep into the motion too fast
- Once you are able to achieve 20 reps progress to the nest progression if listed
- Circuit #1
- Circuit #2
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Goal is to ramp up time gradually
- start with just holds
- 10 sec hold, 5 sec rest, 20 sec hold, 5 sec rest….keep ramping up by 10 sec until fatigue
- Once you can hold 40sec
- Start doing the same with the alternating leg lifts
- 10sec hold each 5 sec rest, 20 sec hold each, 5 sec rest…
- Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- Band or weight but start light and shorten the distance between feet as needed to make it pain free
- Quad Activation Progression (Choose 1)
- Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Don’t go too deep too fast
- If hurts at all hold off and come back to it the next time through the circuit