- Phase 3 : Focus on normalizing lower extremity strength when comparing the injured and non-injured lower extremity
- Emphasis on testing the right and left side with various positions. The goal is for the injured leg to be at least 80% as string as the non-injured leg prior to return to plyometric or running based movement
- Frequently patients feel better and progress to higher level movements even though their strength is still lacking and then they have a recurrence of pain
- Goal: Work to fatigue or if pain begins stop at that point, try to achieve 8-20 reps or 30-90sec
- Agility sequence and running progression listed below
- Do not progress to running prior to having hit the 80% bench mark for each movement
- Circuit #1: Day 1
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Choose 1): I added phase 4 and 5, do not progress to either until you can do 20 reps of the prior phase
- Goal: Once you get to phase 4 or 5 need to have nearly symmetrical strength/endurance prior to beginning agility sequence/running
- Phase 1: Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- Phase 2: Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- Phase 3: Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- Phase 4: Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- Phase 5: Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall (Choose 1): Get to 80% single leg comparison phase 3
- Bridge progression: get 80% phase 2 or 3: if hurt to bend knee, bend knee less
- Glute med progression: get 80%
- Lunge Progression:
- Phase 1: Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- Remain in a pain free range, if it hurts, hold off
- Phase 2 Dynamic Movement 3 Planes Balance VIDEO
- Phase 1: Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Choose 1): I added phase 4 and 5, do not progress to either until you can do 20 reps of the prior phase
- Circuit #2: Day 2
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Goal is to ramp up time gradually
- start with just holds
- 10 sec hold, 5 sec rest, 20 sec hold, 5 sec rest….keep ramping up by 10 sec until fatigue
- Once you can hold 40sec
- Start doing the same with the alternating leg lifts
- 10sec hold each 5 sec rest, 20 sec hold each, 5 sec rest…
- Start doing the same with the alternating leg lifts
- start with just holds
- Goal is to ramp up time gradually
- Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- Band or weight but start light and shorten the distance between feet as needed to make it pain free
- Quad Activation Progression (Choose 1)
- Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Don’t go too deep too fast
- If hurts at all hold off and come back to it the next time through the circuit
- Phase 2:Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- Phase 3:Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Circuit#3
- Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- Gradually progressing from higher to lower surface
- 30-90sec goal
- Sprinter Lunge VIDEO
- Progress to weight in one hand, move slowly
- Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- progress weight as able
- Adductor Activation Progression
- Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- Agility Sequence: Pre Running
- Try to do each movement for 30-60sec as a circuit
- Run progression LINK