- Day 3:
- Important points
- Continue with lighter mobility sequence daily
- Refer to notes below for each exercise that we discussed
- try to apply the concept of lining your knee up with foot and avoiding the inward angle of your thigh
- Daily Sequence
- These movement can be completed daily and will help to minimize tightness and discomfort
- Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO
- This was the replacement for the sidelying IT band position
- each spot for 30-60sec
- A precursor to this would be standing with the ball between you and the wall
- Back against the wall may be easier if lying down is not an option
- Self Myofascial Release Side Lying IT Band VIDEO
- Progress to this as tolerable but don’t rush it
- This should be uncomfortable on a 0-10 pain scale it should be no more then a 3 or 4
- Once you find a tender point try to keep pressure on that spot minimum of 30sec maximum of 1-2minutes
- It should stay the same or feel better as you are in the position, if it is hurting more as you do it, avoid that spot for now
- Hit various spots along the lateral thigh
- Pelvic and core awareness drills
- This is demonstrated below lying on your back and hands and knees
- This does not have to be done as a separate exercise but as a precursor to each movement below 5x
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- 8-20 reps slow with a 5 sec pause at the top of the bridge
- Keep abdominal tension and pressure on HEELS
- Seated Flexion and Child’s Pose Breathing VIDEO
- Breathing shown in sitting and on hands and knees, you can stick with the hands and knees position
- 5-10 deep breaths
- Hand Heel Rock Childs Pose to Plank or Up Dog VIDEO
- Try to maintain lower abdominal tension as you rock forward without compensating by rounding your shoulders
- 8-20x
- Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Keep feet straight and pressure through big toe
- 8-20reps
- WE discussed doing this 8-10 reps included in the daily sequence
- Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- Strength Circuit: Every other day
- Complete 3-4 days per week
- Preferably not on days with a lot of sport related activity unless able to be done afterwards
- Complete 2 sets of the circuit, first set to fatigue(either for time 30-90sec or 8-20reps)
- second set cut each exercise reps/time in half
- Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- try for 5-10 reps each leg slowly
- Side Step Band Progression VIDEO
- Red band 8-20 reps or 30-90sec
- Start standing on left leg with band around right foot, then switch to other leg
- Do both sides
- Pallof Press Lunge and Chest Press VIDEO
- Pay attention to front foot and knee position
- You will do 4 positions with this one explained in video
- try for 5 reps of each to start and work up towards your favorite number 8
- Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Keep feet straight and pressure through big toe
- 8-20reps
- try for 10-20 reps…get tired