- Primary Complaints
- History of C6-C7 fusion
- Front of chest and back of shoulder constant tightness
- Tricep quivers
- Charlie horse in lat and chest with activity
- Right sided weakness with possible pec atrophy
- Important Program Information LINK
- This week the focus will be on adding one movement each day to assess your body’s response to activating distinct muscle groups
- This week is meant to be easy and is meant as more of a test to identify missing links in the system and your ability to isolate activation of specific muscle groups
- Each day a new movement will be added to successfully isolate your body’s response to each movement
- Each movement should be done for 8-20reps or 30-90sec as specified
- You should stop each movement when you have either reached the max rep/time, at onset of pain, or if you start to develop moderate fatigue
- If you get to a movement that is painful during the exercise or you have significant pain the following day, hold on that movement in the next circuit progression
- Goals: Assess your ability to isolate specific muscle groups
- isolate deep neck flexor activation
- attempt to control scapular depression to avoid excessive stress in the neck
- This week will attempt to establish a warm up sequence that will be used in future weeks prior to strengthening circuits
- Day 1:
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day2
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- Light pec mobility
- If this is too easy and more challenging option is listed below
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day 3
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- Light pec mobility
- If this is too easy and more challenging option is listed below
- Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- Try the basic position first and then you will notice some more challenging positions as the video progresses
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day 4
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- Light pec mobility
- If this is too easy and more challenging option is listed below
- Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- Try the basic position first and then you will notice some more challenging positions as the video progresses
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Start with the low position and progress to higher surfaces over the next couple days
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day 5
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- Light pec mobility
- If this is too easy and more challenging option is listed below
- Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- Try the basic position first and then you will notice some more challenging positions as the video progresses
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Start with the low position and progress to higher surfaces over the next couple days
- Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Attempt to isolate scapular depression
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day 6
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Hold each for 3-5 seconds
- Supine Pec/Median Nerve Mobilization 90 Degree Shoulder Abduction VIDEO
- Light pec mobility
- If this is too easy and more challenging option is listed below
- Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- Try the basic position first and then you will notice some more challenging positions as the video progresses
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Start with the low position and progress to higher surfaces over the next couple days
- Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Attempt to isolate scapular depression
- Prone Shoulder Extension Off Edge of Bed VIDEO
- Slow and controlled shoulder extension
- Try to avoid any tension in the neck
- Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Day 7
- Rest and email me to let me know how the week went. Which movements seemed most helpful?
- Did any cause pain or irritation?