- Current issues continue to focus on tenderness in the similar area of the achilles that has been a problem even prior to procedure
- Function and tolerance for loading seems to be progressing with what sounds to be a steady amount of achilles pain
- Benefit from taping to offload then tendon while you are in the process of improving strength seems to be beneficial
- Goal for this phase is to progress loading and begin to assess/ compare the strength in the right and left leg with single leg loading progressions
- I am giving you a very specific loading exercise/test with the bench mark of minimum 30 sec and maximum of 2 minutes
- I need to know 2 things from you
- #1: With the progression, which phase do you need to stop it when following my instruction in the video
- #2 Do you feel any fatigue in the calf muscle or do you just feel achilles pain
- I need to know 2 things from you
- Continue to use: Rock Tape Achilles VIDEO
- Phase 4
- The daily sequence should be done lightly, 8-15reps for each movement
- This can be done 2x/day on the non-strength day
- Do 1x on the strength circuit day
- Strength circuits
- Should be done every other day along with the daily sequence
- Goal is a minimum of 5 reps max of 20reps OR 30 sec-2minutes as specified per exercise
- Focus on doing all reps slow and controlled as opposed to moving too quickly and doing a higher amount
- Daily Sequence
- Self MFR Calf VIDEO
- use a tennis ball or lacrosse ball
- Hit 2-3 spots on the calf, NOT ON THE TENDON for 30to 60sec
- Band Plantarflexion/Gastroc Activation VIDEO
- There are a variety of band resistances
- Try to start with something that allows you to get through as much ROM as possible
- Go really slow on the negative 4-5 sec as you slowly load into the stretch
- Self MFR Hamstring VIDEO
- Same concept as above
- Hamstring Isometric with Contralateral Leg Raise VIDEO
- This can be done with an exercise ball of feet up on couch/chair
- Try not to push directly onto heel as it is likely tender
- Push more so into the calf
- hold each 5sec
- Hands Elevated Childs Pose Variation VIDEO
- prop a small roll under your ankle like a yoga mat or a thick towel roll to keep excessive pressure off the ankle…I will make a video if needed if you have issues with this
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- can do with or without band
- Standing Thoracic Rotation with Band Around Knees VIDEO
- Use a mirror to maintain lower body position as you rotate
- Self MFR Calf VIDEO
- Strength Circuit#1
- Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Assist of hands should minimize excessive pressure on the achilles
- Slow and controlled descent into the squat 4-5sec on the way down
- PHASE 2-Progress if you are able to get 20 reps of movement above
- Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO
- Start with 10lbs-20lbs
- Goal: 8-20 reps, if you get to 20reps, increase weight and lower reps
- Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-20reps
- Heel Raise Isometric Hold VIDEO
- Focus on a position that is least painful
- Work on increasing the hold time between 30-90sec
- If able, try to focus on more weight on the problematic leg as you are holding
- PHASE 2- Progress once you are able to stay on your toes for 90sec
- Feet Apart Hip Abduction Raise Small Range VIDEO
- 30sec-2 min
- Feet Apart Hip Abduction Raise Small Range VIDEO
- Heelraise Loading Overview Isometric to Increased Range VIDEO
- Heelraise Loading Overview Isometric to Increased Range VIDEO
- Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #2
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Start holding bear position for 30-60sec
- Once you are able to hold 60sec…progress to part 2 with the small leg lifts holding each for 5 sec for 30-90sec
- Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- Start with a light weight, make sure you can do a slow and controlled descent into the overhead position
- Standing Press in Lunge and Terminal Stance VIDEO
- Start with the press from chest and straight out…4 positions as mentioned goal of 30-60sec each position
- Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- 8-20REPS
- Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- You want to feel a little unstable but not out of control
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #3
- Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- Start slow for 30sec to 2 minutes
- If that goes well progress to intervals as shown
- Sagittal Plane Stability VIDEO
- 30SEC TO 2 MIN
- Sidelying Leg Raise Progression to a Stretch VIDEO
- Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- The daily sequence should be done lightly, 8-15reps for each movement