RSL: Right Lateral Epicondylosis: Week 2 (1-22-18)

  • Week 2
    • This week will build on your initial program with gradual integration of some challenging movements meant to challenge the upper extremity without increasing significant tendon pain
    • The picture on your home page remains your guide, in that you should not have significant increase in tendon pain above a 4-5/10 the day of exercise or the following day
    • Ice should be used after completing the strength sequence for 10-15 minutes to minimize the risk of significant post exercise soreness
    • Try the strength sequence every other day
    • Kinesiotape may be helpful in reducing pain as we go through this process. Below is a video of a kinesiotape option that patients have reported to provide pain relief as we are in the process of strengthening the muscle tendon unit
  • Daily Sequence