- Works at a sedentary job, although very active
- Diagnoses from physician
- R sided neck pain
- Upper cross syndrome with fairly good ROM
- Anterior knee pain of patellofemoral origin
- MD wrote hams and glutes which likely refer to areas that need strength more so then flexibility
- Neck pain began 2 years ago when kicked in the back of the neck by a crowd surfer (haven’t heard that one before)
- Pain gradually improved over a few months
- ROM improved but would come back occasionally after sleeping or with lifting
- Radiates from middle of neck to shoulder blade running along the R side of the spine
- MD reported and patient agrees increased rounded shoulders
- Feels he could have the typical muscle imbalance from his training regimen involving pec and anterior deltoid dominance
- Goals
- Get rid of pain for longer period of time, possibly forever
- Improve cervical curvature (MD reported straightening of cervical lordosis)
- Improve muscle imbalances
- Knee Problems
- Began May 2017
- pain over the top of the knee going up and down stairs, getting into car, and running
- Improves with a gradual warm up
- Goal:
- Reduce pain and improve potential problematic patellar tracking