- Daily Movements
- 2-6-18
- Let me know of these feel in regards to foot symptoms
- 5.1) Prone Press Up Progression VIDEO
- try this one first and let me know if it impacts any of your symptoms in a positive, negative, or neutral
- 36) Seated Sciatic Nerve Floss VIDEO
- this is a nerve mobilization and I stress this should be done short of feeling much of anything, if you start in too deep of a stretch it may make the foot worse
- If it feels at all uncomfortable stop doing it
- 5.1) Prone Press Up Progression VIDEO
- Let me know of these feel in regards to foot symptoms
- 10) Supine Median Nerve Mobilization VIDEO
- pumping of the elbow lying on the floor
- Don’t worry about changing neck position as in video
- 53) Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Keep it light and frequent
- 28) Self MFR Hamstring VIDEO
- Let me know if this feels helpful
- 10.1) Supine Wing ER Breathing VIDEO
- Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- Exaggerates the running stride
- Make sure foot on the ground is straight and you maintain some lower abdominal tension
- 8-20reps each leg
- 2-6-18
- Strength Circuits
- 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO
- 8-15reps
- 111) Off Edge of Bed VIDEO
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-15reps
- 73.1) Updated Band Tricep Extension VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 51.1) Humeral Head Depression at 90deg Abduction VIDEO
- If painful be careful not to go far out to the side
- Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- 8-15reps
- 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO