NJB: Partial Rotator Cuff Tear: Phase 2 (3-12-18)

  • Email Follow UP
    • No problem with current exercises but having some bicep pain with possible proximal bicep tendonitis
  • My reply
    • It is common the bicep becomes irritated because it has excessive pressure on it when the rotator cuff is weak or not contributing to supporting the shoulder as much as it should
    • I do recommend ice regularly to control bicep irritation
    • You will notice this week we focus more on tricep activation trying to minimize pressure on the bicep
    • Let me know if you have any questions or issues with the updates
  • Phase 2: Progressive Closed Chain Scapular Stabilization and Posterior Shoulder Activation
    • This phase will focus on control of shoulder position to reduce compression of the bicep and superior aspect of the rotator cuff
    • Emphasis on maintaining good scapular control while loading the antagonist or opposing muscles to the bicep including tricep and posterior rotator cuff
    • It is once again imperative that you feel no pain or pressure in the top or front of the shoulder
      • `If you do feel any pain or pressure in the front or top of the shoulder, try to move very slowly to that point in the range and then quickly move out of that position
      • Emphasis on reps being slow and controlled to maintain control and tension in the correct areas with each rep taking 3-5 seconds IN EACH DIRECTION…that is really slow
      • If you do feel anything in the front or top of the shoulder, you may be able to decrease it by focusing on the shoulder blade position into a back and down pull
    • This phase will add a new movement each day to assess if a certain movement causes pain that night or the next day
    • Ice is recommended after each session 10-20 minutes
  • Goals:
    • Minimize Irritation using ice as needed
    • Avoid over stretching, this will likely cause significant pain
    • Establish good scapular control which will be needed as the movements become more challenging
    • Activate posterior rotator cuff and triceps
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
    • Rest
    • Follow up email commenting on your current progress