- Look for updates in BOLD BELOW
- This week we will add a third strength sequence option
- Continue to refer to the previous weeks for the strength sequences from previous weeks
- Continue to alternate through the 3 circuits
- Rest between sets in a circuit should be minimal 30sec-1min
- Rest after a circuit before starting next circuit can be 1-2 minutes
- Each exercise session with include 10 exercises paired in groups of 2 so 5 supersets
- I will pair something more power oriented with something lighter
- You will do 2 sets of each circuit with a rep goal or time goal listed below the exercise
- The second set of the circuit I typically cut reps and time in half, so the first set you want to push yourself to failure or fatigue knowing that the second set you only have to do half
- I like some form of light cardio first to get the heart rate up for 8-10min
- This could be:
- Intervals on the bike (1 minute base pace…75rpm, 1 minute harder pace 85-95rpm)
- Intervals on elliptical (similar alternating base pace and fast pace)
- Agility Circuit doing 30sec intervals of light agility (Some ideas below)
- Intervals on the bike (1 minute base pace…75rpm, 1 minute harder pace 85-95rpm)
- This could be:
- Warm Up to be completed each day (One set of each)
- Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO and Side Lying IT Band VIDEO
- 30sec-2 minutes each spot
- NEW:
- 26.2) Plantar Foot Ball Roll VIDEO
- option for the bottom of the foot, but avoid direct pressure on the painful spot
- 26.2) Plantar Foot Ball Roll VIDEO
- Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
- 10x each leg
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- No band but same movement
- 10-15x
- Hand Heel Rock Childs Pose to Plank or Up Dog VIDEO
- 10-15x
- 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- 5-10x each leg
- Active rotation holding towel/pillowcase…start with 5 rotations to the left followed by 5 rotations from left to the right
- Follow that with progression of movement overhead as depicted below
- Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO and Side Lying IT Band VIDEO
- Strength Sequence
- Circuit #1
- Leg Press
- 8-15 reps
- Straight Arm Front Pull Down
- Standing at Lat Pull Machine
- Arms out Straight, tense abdominal as you pull the bar straight down towards the front of the thighs in the standing position
- 8-15 reps
- Leg Press
- Circuit #2
- 115) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 91) Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- Cable or band
- 8-15 reps
- 115) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 152.11) Split Squat VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 197) TGU Phase 1 Bottom VIDEO
- hold each position 5 sec
- 3-8 reps
- 152.11) Split Squat VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- 103.1) PNF D2 Band Down and Across VIDEO
- Band or cable
- 8-15 reps
- 121.4) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- band or cable
- 8-15 reps
- 103.1) PNF D2 Band Down and Across VIDEO
- Circuit #5
- balance (Choose 1)
- Phase 1185.1) Pre Run/Walk Single Leg Balance Drill VIDEO
- Phase 2 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- 8-20 reps or fro time 30sec to 2 min
- 133) BlackBurns VIDEO
- 5 sec pause at each position
- balance (Choose 1)
- Circuit #1