RMS: Achilles Tendinopathy: Week 14 (4-16-18)

  • Phase 14 Feedback
    • I agree with you Ron, that this would obviously be much easier if I were able to see you in person, but I do not think we are up against something that cannot be overcome. Whenever I get to this point with a patient where I hit a roadblock, I do a couple things:
      • I think about what I would do if this were me and how I would adjust the approach
      • I get back to the basics of what is most important aspect of strength/mobility that needs to be addressed
      • Daily Sequence is going to remain the same
      • Strength sequence is going to focus on a couple movements that are most closely related to your current issues
        • Follow the organization of the week as listed below, including giving me feedback when requested
        • The strength day with incorporate some of the daily stuff but not all of it
        • On strength day, only do what I list….not all of the daily stuff
      • After doing Day 1 and then Day 2…email me
      • I will make any adjustments needed after you do each day…on the third day while you await my email response, go ahead and do the Day 1 movements again. I am going to make some new videos to address the coordination of ankle and hip which will play a role in your gait and other daily activities
    • Day 1:
    • Day 2: Strength