AB: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Online Patient (8-4-19)

  • 10-20-19
  • August 11, 2019
    • Feed back from week 1
      • Had been on bedrest for the previous few weeks
      • Mild improvement in ROM both arms
      • Able to sit up longer
      • pain in both forearms 6-7
      • 4/10 in both shoulder blades
    • My reply
      • I like alot of the information above. I am hopeful that your pain level with gradually reduce as you continue to progress with these movements
      • One important note:
        • Pay attention to how you feel during and after each movement
        • A small amount of increased soreness as long as it is not severe and you return to your baseline within 1-2 days.
      • In week 2: I look to accomplish 2 things
        • 2-3 light movements that you do everyday, that are not incredibly challenging. You will choose those movements from the daily movement list in week 2 update below
        • Establish some strength progressions to improve your postural endurance but be very careful that these movements do not cause a significant increase in symptoms
          • They should be done every other day and should not be completed again until any soreness from doing them comes back to baseline, even if that means waiting 2-3 days before trying them again
          • To establish your body’s response to new movements, I recommend that you add a new movement each time so that you know if your symptoms increase, which movement caused it.
          • It is then up to you to either modify the movement to make it less painful, or skip that movement all together as you add new movements to the routine
      • This is the last covered update in your initial program. If you would like continued guidance in your program the cost is $30 each week,  $80 for 3 weeks, or  $150 for 6weeks
    • Week 2 Update LINK (8-11-19)
  • August 4, 2019
    • This is your home page
    • On it you will find:
      • A disclaimer which provides some general information in regards to how you should approach this program (Disclaimer LINK)
      • Updates to your program that will appear at the top of this page.
    • The first week is the most important
      • I use it as more of a test week to see how you feel with various positions. Based on your response to the first week, I will have some direction in what movements I feel are going to be most helpful for you long term.
    • Feel free to email me anytime with questions
    • Week 1 LINK (8-4-19)