I like alot of the information above. I am hopeful that your pain level with gradually reduce as you continue to progress with these movements
One important note:
Pay attention to how you feel during and after each movement
A small amount of increased soreness as long as it is not severe and you return to your baseline within 1-2 days.
In week 2: I look to accomplish 2 things
2-3 light movements that you do everyday, that are not incredibly challenging. You will choose those movements from the daily movement list in week 2 update below
Establish some strength progressions to improve your postural endurance but be very careful that these movements do not cause a significant increase in symptoms
They should be done every other day and should not be completed again until any soreness from doing them comes back to baseline, even if that means waiting 2-3 days before trying them again
To establish your body’s response to new movements, I recommend that you add a new movement each time so that you know if your symptoms increase, which movement caused it.
It is then up to you to either modify the movement to make it less painful, or skip that movement all together as you add new movements to the routine
This is the last covered update in your initial program. If you would like continued guidance in your program the cost is $30 each week, $80 for 3 weeks, or $150 for 6weeks
A disclaimer which provides some general information in regards to how you should approach this program (Disclaimer LINK)
Updates to your program that will appear at the top of this page.
The first week is the most important
I use it as more of a test week to see how you feel with various positions. Based on your response to the first week, I will have some direction in what movements I feel are going to be most helpful for you long term.