- I want to start to progress into some controlled rotational movements to mimic golf swing requirements
- Make sure you do these very slow and controlled
- Initially they will start with resisting rotation and progress into active rotation, let me know if you have any issues
- You now have 3 strength circuits, try to do 2 of them every other day
- Ex: Day 1: daily sequence + strength 1 and strength 2
- Day 2 daily
- Day 3 Daily + strength 2 and strength 3
- Day 4 daily
- Day 4 Daily + Strength 3 + Strength 1
- Day 5 Daily
- Ex: Day 1: daily sequence + strength 1 and strength 2
- Daily Sequence: 10-15 reps of each
- 18.1) Hands Elevated Childs Pose Variation VIDEO
- 23) Step Knee Flexion and Hip Extension VIDEO
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- alternating leg lifts for 60-90sec
- 116) Hamstring Isometric with Contralateral Leg Raise VIDEO
- 43.1) Cross Leg at Table/Bed Isometric VIDEO
- This one is a little different so watch the video
- Strength: Complete all circuits 3-4x per week alternating with cardio days
- Circuit #1: 2 sets, second set half the time as first set
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- Do it slow
- 30-90sec
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- 8-15 REPS
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- 90) Side Plank with Lateral Shift Progression VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- Progress to floor as able with subtle shift of pelvis as in video
- Let me know what time you get to
- 136) Press band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 136) Press band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 88) 1/2 Kneeling Pallof Variation VIDEO
- Start with just the press with no rotation
- Try for 10-20 reps in all positions
- 88) 1/2 Kneeling Pallof Variation VIDEO
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 84) Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- end of video
- 8-20reps
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30-2minutes
- 117) Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps slow
- Progression
- 84.1) Physio Ball Knees to Chest/Pike VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- 84) Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 95.1) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 20-25# 8-20reps
- 157) Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- 84.2) Bar Hang Knees to Chest VIDEO
- Goal: 30-90sec
- DNS-8 Supine Rolling With Activation of Posterior Shoulder and Scapular Stability VIDEO
- DNS-8 Supine Rolling With Activation of Posterior Shoulder and Scapular Stability VIDEO
- 95.1) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Circuit #1: 2 sets, second set half the time as first set