- Pool Program:
- The pool seems like a good place to progress lower extremity activity
- I want to give you a couple things to mix in to a circuit in the pool. Try each movement below for 30-90sec
- Try to start with 1-3 sets once to twice a day
- If there is pain then hold on that movement all together and we can discuss it next week
- I do not have video of pool activities so I will do my best to describe each
- #1: Walk slow and controlled like walking in slow motion
- Stick with a short step length and progress to walking more heel to toe as able
- #2: Noodle or intertube under armpits to float
- Take feet apart laterally and back together while suspended in deeper water
- This is like the bottom of a jumping jack
- start in small range
- With water, the faster you attempt to pull each direction the more resistance
- Go through each direction pushing as forefully as comfortable and then pause before you change direction
- EX: forceful push feet apart…pause….forceful pull of feet towards each other
- #3: Side Steps in small knee bend
- Three steps one way and threes steps back the other way
- Deeper equals less weight on lower extremities
- #4: Suspended as in movement # 2
- Front to back opposing movements
- One foot moves forward and the other moves behind
- Pull forcefully towards each other as they alternate positions like a scissoring movement
- #5: Standing Feet side by side
- Arms forcefully pull apart and forcefully pull back together
- This is made more difficult by standing with feet closer together or in a mini lunge or heel to toe