- Phase 2
- Plan this week is to progress into endurance based strengthening circuit along with a daily movement sequence
- Daily Movements
- Are meant to be easy and can be done 1-2x per day as well as doing a couple of the movements throughout the day to break up static positions
- Each movement should be completed 10-15x
- Strength Circuit
- Goal is to get to fatigue without increase in pain
- 8-20 reps or 30-90sec
- Do 2 sets, 2nd set 1/2 as many reps or 1/2 the amount of time as the first set
- Daily Sequence
- 53) Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Do this carefully and gently
- Can be done in sitting as well and is typically helpful to complete lightly and frequently throughout the day
- If this feels fine you may want to try the seated version throughout the day seen below to break up seated postures for long periods
- Progress the motion that feels better, compare between the 2 exercises below and pick the one that feels most helpful
- 5) Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- 3) Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- if either feel like they make it worse, try to decrease how far into the movement you go or hold off all together
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- This is meant to assess your ability to keep neck relaxed as you isolate scapular control
- 10.1) Supine Wing ER Breathing VIDEO
- Light movement that will set us up for some posterior shoulder strengthening
- Light movement that will set us up for some posterior shoulder strengthening
- 11.3) Pillow Case Active Shoulder Extension Hands Progress Closer VIDEO
- Make sure you don’t go too far too fast
- I want to know is this feels tighter on the R
- 51.1) Humeral Head Depression at 90deg Abduction VIDEO
- Ideally light pulling in the front of the shoulder is ok, not on the top or in the back, stay short of feeling top or back of shoulder in regards to pinching or pain
- Ideally light pulling in the front of the shoulder is ok, not on the top or in the back, stay short of feeling top or back of shoulder in regards to pinching or pain
- 53) Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Strength Circuit: Every other day