- Improtant Points to continue to work on
- Ankle:
- Activating your calf without overuse of peroneals
- Heelraise on leg press
- Heelraise with ball between knees
- Heelraise at wall with big toe pressure
- single leg balance progression with big toe pressure
- front to back taps, progress to medial to lateral taps
- Activating your calf without overuse of peroneals
- Hip
- Glute activation without back pain
- hip flexor and quad flexibility
- 8-3 Circuit for medial and lateral hip stability
- Squat Progression
- Deadlift Progression
- Ball bridge
- Lunge Row
- Mountain climber in bear on towel
- Single leg deadlift
- regular deadliest only if no pain in ankle or back, may use band around knees
- Ankle:
- 8-5 Single leg Balance progression: Make sure you keep some pressure on the big toe to avoid overuse of peroneals…slow and controlled
- 8-3 New Circuit
- Laying on your back rolling sequence to stretch the back of the shoulder…Video coming soon
- H-48B Standing Adductor Slide VIDEO
- H-48A Side Sit to Side Plank VIDEO
- H-45E Lunge with Band Around Knee Glute Med Activation VIDEO
- New Circuits as of 7-28
- Circuit #1: 2 sets with second set 1/2 as many as first
- Rocking on one knee hip flexor stretch, rock in and out slow and squueze butt as you rock forward 15x
- Childs pose with band wrapped around post behind you and in crease of the R hip, make sure there is enough tension in band to keep tension as you sit back onto your heels rock in and out 15x, shouldn’t have any pinching or pressure in groin
- Laying on back on exercise ball, knees band as your butt drops towards the floor like a squat, push through your heels as you drive hips up towards ceiling keeping low back flat 5-20x
- H-30A 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO
- H-36 Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- L-28B Down Dog to Up Dog Floor VIDEO OR L-28A Bear to Downward Dog Floor VIDEO
- Circuit # 2
- H-4 Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Lay on side at edge of bed, bottom leg bent and top leg straight, keep shoulders rounded forward, tp leg drops down toward floor with toe down and in, and raise up to even with height of hip 5-20x
- L-16 Cross Leg Pigeon Pose Regression VIDEO
- Senior Picture to Side plank VIDEO
- H-58 Multiple Plane Stability VIDEO
- Bosu standing on the Dome Side moving multi diraction for 3-6 minutes
- Circuit #1: 2 sets with second set 1/2 as many as first
- Light Sequence that mimics the 5 Tibetan Rites: Complete each 5-21x everyday
- H-31 Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- H-4 Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO OR S-4 Laying Down Humeral Depression with Progression to Pec Stretch VIDEO
- fast forward to second half of video for cross leg with pec stretch
- Step knee bend with Overhead Reach with pillow case NO VIDEO YET
- S-8 Foam Roll Pec Stretch and Thoracic Extension VIDEO OR N-2 Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- S-5 Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO OR S-9 Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- Phase 2 Strengthening Lower Body
- 5-20 reps for each, 2nd set 1/2 as many reps as the first set
- circuit #1
- Circuit #2
- Circuit # 3
- H-47 Side Lying Clamshell Wall VIDEO
- H-9 Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- with ball under back of hip on the side with the knee bent
- Lunge with the band around the knee…video to come
- Circuit # 4
- Glute progression from easier to harder
- H-29B Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- Bridge Progression Floor
- H-30A 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO
- H-46 Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Single Leg Deadlift