- This week the focus will be on adding one movement each day to assess your body’s response to activating distinct muscle groups
- This week is meant to be easy and is meant as more of a test to identify missing links in the system and your ability to isolate activation of specific muscle groups
- Each day a new movement will be added to successfully isolate your body’s response to each movement
- Each movement should be done for 8-15reps or 30-90sec as specified
- You should stop each movement when you have either reached the max rep/time, at onset of pain, or if you start to develop moderate fatigue
- If you get to a movement that is painful during the exercise or you have significant pain the following day, hold on that movement in the next circuit progression
- Goals: Assess your ability to isolate specific muscle groups
- isolate hamstring and glute activation
- mobilize quad and hip flexor without creating an increase in knee pain
- Focus on remaining in a range where you feel muscle fatigue/activation and minimal to no knee pain
- This week will attempt to establish a warm up sequence that will be used in future weeks prior to strengthening circuits
- Day 1
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 2
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 3
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Once again a mirror is a good idea
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 4
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Once again a mirror is a good idea
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Avoid doing this on any area that is really sensitive
- It should be uncomfortable but not so much that you feel like you con’t relax
- If this causes any back pin email me
- Option #2:
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- This is usually sensitive and sometimes too sensitive in certain spots so be careful
- If it is really uncomfortable, skip that area
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- Option #2:
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 5
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Once again a mirror is a good idea
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Avoid doing this on any area that is really sensitive
- It should be uncomfortable but not so much that you feel like you con’t relax
- If this causes any back pin email me
- Option #2:
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- This is usually sensitive and sometimes too sensitive in certain spots so be careful
- If it is really uncomfortable, skip that area
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- 24.1) 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- Pulling without pain
- Use a mirror again to watch low back position
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 6
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Once again a mirror is a good idea
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Avoid doing this on any area that is really sensitive
- It should be uncomfortable but not so much that you feel like you con’t relax
- If this causes any back pin email me
- Option #2:
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- This is usually sensitive and sometimes too sensitive in certain spots so be careful
- If it is really uncomfortable, skip that area
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- 24.1) 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- Pulling without pain
- Use a mirror again to watch low back position
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Ankle mobility can be part of the problem
- Use this to activate and stretch your calf
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Day 7
- Rest and email me some feedback in regards to how the movements felt and any impact that it had on your symptoms