Cervical Program for Limitation with Rotation Basic (2-13-19)

  • As you go through each movement below, recheck your ability to turn your neck. You want to see after each movement if your ability to rotate is better, worse, or the same. If the movement is worse…then don’t do that exercise because it didn’t help. You are trying to pick out which of the movements below are the most helpful
  • Movement 1: Self Myofascial Release
    • This is really useful
    • It can be done with the hook of an umbrella or if you would like, I am using a theracane
  • Movement 2: Self Mobilization options
    • Option 1: Rotation lying or seated
      • Lying option
      • Seated/Standing
    • Option 2: sidebending
  • Movement #3: Deep Neck Flexor Activation
  • Movement #4: Thoracic Extension Options
    • Option 1: Standing
    • Option 2: Kneeling
  • Movement #5: Thoracic Rotation Options
    • Doorway Rotation
    • Sidelying Rotation