- This is your home page
- On it you will find:
- A disclaimer which provides some general information in regards to how you should approach this program (Disclaimer LINK)
- An initial program that outlines some basic movements that will get you started with some self mobilization and progression of trunk control
- If any of the movements cause pain/soreness, either try to stop short of pain or discontinue that specific movement and move onto the others
- Feel free to email me anytime with questions
- This week is more of a test to see how your symptoms respond to various positions and movements
- Your overall goals this week are the following
- Do each movement slowly and in a range of motion that is short of any signifiant pain
- During and after each movement I want to know the following
- Does that movement reproduce discomfort in the region of your pain?
- As you are doing the movement, short of any significant pain, does the amount of discomfort get better, get worse, or stay the same?
- Try each movement for 2 days
- If that movement is not causing any negative after affects of increase in pain, then keep tat movement and add the next movement to the sequence.
- If that first movement is causing more pain, then stop doing it and move onto the next movement
- Movement #1: Quadruped self traction
- 8-15 reps slowly
- 1-2x/day
- Movement #2: Quadruped hip ext slide
- basics of engaging your hip while maintaining abdominal control
- 5-10 slowly each leg
- 1-2x/day
- Movement #3: Step Lunge
- Progressing into greater amount of hip extension while maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic position
- 8-15 reps each leg slow
- 1-2x/day
- Movement #4: Deadbug abdominal activation
- 8-15 reps with band is optional
- 1-2x/day
- Movement #4: Bridge heels to butt