- Daily Movements/Warm Up
- 54.2) Wall Barre/Top of Fridge Self traction breathing VIDEO
- 137.1) Counter Step Back Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- 37.2) Supine Shoulder Flexion to Abduction Clock VIDEO
- We do this in standing with the cane
- 51.2) Floor 3 Part Warm Up Sidelying, side sit, 1/2 kneel VIDEO
- 55) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- 35) Lying Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- Strength Circuits
- Circuit #1
- Circuit #2
- 200) Step Up Progression with Increase In Speed VIDEO
- 10-20 reps: progress to weight 15lbs in the hand opposite of the foot on the step
- 121.3) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- yellow
- 200) Step Up Progression with Increase In Speed VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- Circuit #4
- 85) Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- 10sec holds on each
- 90) Band Low Fly VIDEO
- red/yellow
- 85) Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- Circuit #5
- Circuit #6
- Circuit #7
- Circuit #8
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- 15 lbs
- 40.2) SEATED cane overhead flexion in ER/Behind head ER VIDEO
- We have done something similar against wall but try this pull apart in sitting overhead taps
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- Circuit #9
- 150) Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- no weight we went to 12 in box
- or weighted to 18 inch height we got to 30lbs
- 151) Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO
- 168.1) Side sit to Sideplank Knee Stack VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 150) Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO