- 9-28-22 Update
- Below we added the band IR/ER into your strengthening. Try to avoid too much tension in the bicep. You will see a wave motion that I threw in there which some times helps people to keep pressure out of the bicep. You can try one round of the way we did it and one round of the wave motion. See below in BOLD
- 9-22-22 Update
- Updates based on our most recent meeting
- Daily Movements
- Sidelying 3 movements
- hand from front to vertical
- Hand from hip to ear
- Hand infront to head and then back stroke to hip
- 112.2) Prone I/T on Floor Drill VIDEO
- hold 1-2 minutes straight or do 10-15sec holds and repeat 5-10x
- 52.2) Seated Deep Neck Flexor Activation Update VIDEO
- this is a good idea in general to pull head back over the body and promote thoracic ext
- 10x
- this is a good idea in general to pull head back over the body and promote thoracic ext
- Sidelying 3 movements
- Strength
- NEW AS OF 9-28-22
- 119.1) External Rotation 90 Deg Abduction VIDEO
- This shows the motion without the elbow support
- Do this facing towards band and away from band and stick with elbow on something to reduce neck tension. 10-20reps
- 116.3) Band IR Wave VIDEO
- 10-20
- 116.4) Band ER Wave VIDEO
- 10-20
- 119.1) External Rotation 90 Deg Abduction VIDEO
- 121.3) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- Try to avoid the pinch by not coming as far across the body
- 90.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO
- I had you turn away slightly so it pulls you back into a slight stretch
- 8-15 reps
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- Hold 10sec
- repeat 5-10x
- 121.7) Sidelying 3 way ABduction VIDEO
- Just the beginning back to wall
- Try to work on hand progressing to touch the floor
- 8-15
- Do the weight slow on the way down
- NEW AS OF 9-28-22
- Scapular winging and lack of shoulder blade stability wiht overhead reaching and excessive winging when reaching behind the back
- Sidelying moving hand from hip to ear is slightly painful mid range that improves when I control scapular motion
- Daily:
- 52) Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- light push down and pay attention to shoulder position when you are throwing bread and brushing teeth
- 52.2) Seated Deep Neck Flexor Activation Update VIDEO
- this is a good idea in general to pull head back over the body and promote thoracic ext
- 10x
- this is a good idea in general to pull head back over the body and promote thoracic ext
- 23.3) Posts seated Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 5-10x we did 3 positions
- 52) Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Strength: every other day: alternate exercises below 2-3x GET TIRED
- 112.2) Prone I/T on Floor Drill VIDEO
- hold 1-2 minutes straight or do 10-15sec holds and repeat 5-10x
- 91.1) Supine DB Chest Fly VIDEO
- at the top do a small reach to the ceiling and tuck chin down as you lift your head
- 2lbs is what we used 8-15 reps
- Can be done over a ball or foam roll
- at the top do a small reach to the ceiling and tuck chin down as you lift your head
- 121.7) Sidelying 3 way ABduction VIDEO
- Just the beginning back to wall
- Try to work on hand progressing to touch the floor
- 8-15
- 36) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- Back to wall shoulder flexion, stay in comfortable range but this is a good one for us to retest and see if you are getting less pain coming down through the lower range
- 10-20 reps
- 121.3) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 92.1) Full Can Regression Raise From Counter Height with Progression Laterally VIDEO
- Hands on barre or counter and progressing into the lift and reach out to side
- 112.2) Prone I/T on Floor Drill VIDEO
- Daily: