- 9-28-20
- 6-30-20
- Updated sequence Below
- Before Golf
- 17.1) Thoracic length Post Seated, Stand, Wall bar VIDEO
- 31) Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO
- 12) Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- 126.51 Step Lunge with Post Elongation VIDEO
- Seated slide with foot out infront where you rotate foot in and out 10-15x
- Strength Sequence
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 105.1) Pelvic Clock Progression into Bridge VIDEO
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- This can be with a cable machine or a band
- Before Golf
- Updated sequence Below
- 6-22-20
- 6-15-20
- Strength Circuit to focus on every other day
- 161) Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 169.1) Supine Clamshell Band in Hands VIDEO
- 8-15 reps for each
- 2 sets every other day
- Strength Circuit to focus on every other day
- 4-22-20/4-29-20
- Daily movements:
- 10 reps for each 2-3x per day
- 17.1) Thoracic length Post Seated, Stand, Wall bar VIDEO
- 23) Step Knee Flexion and Hip Extension VIDEO
- Left leg on floor
- 19.1) Rock Heel to Toe Counter Progression VIDEO
- Every Other day Strength Movements
- 8-15 reps for each
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO NEW
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 5lb weight in hands knees bent or up on ball
- 185) Stride Lunge to Single Leg Stance Door Way VIDEO NEW
- 113.1) Ball Hamstring Curl to Knee Extension VIDEO
- 141.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO NEW
- 55.2) Band Dead Bug Variations VIDEO
- I use a band but you can hold the weight in the air
- 83.2) Ball Rollout Wall Block VIDEO
- Daily movements: