A Few Important Points
- Background Information on How This Works (Click Link)
- Phase 1
- The movements in the first phase are meant to be somewhat easy and you may find that a couple decrease your pain when it hurts you. You may do a couple of these exercises as frequently as you can throughout the day to decrease your symptoms. I would choose 1-2 of them for this purpose and I will recommend which ones I feel will be most helpful
- The other movements you are given should be completed 1-2x/day as a circuit
- Circuit#1: complete each movements slowly 5-20x, 1x through circuit
- REMEMBER: Your goal is to complete these movements lightly without any increase in pain. Each time you are given a circuit you want to work up towards 20 reps gradually without increase in pain so that I can give you more challenging movements. Part of this is identifying how irritable your pain is and adapting your program as needed. Try these for 1-2 weeks and then contact me for phase 2
- H-4A Seated Slide Hamstring and Quad Stretch VIDEO
- 10-20x, can be completed frequently throughout day in addition to being part of this circuit
- H-29B Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- 10-20x
- H-9 Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- 10-20x in a comfortable range
- H-31 Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- 10-20x in as much knee bend as comfortable