Phase 2
- This phase with establish a daily movement sequence that you can do everyday
- This is meant to be a quick sequence that can be done in the morning and/or night
- This sequence is meant to move and activate areas without significant fatigue
- The quad stretch options in this sequence my be good options to do throughout the day as much as you can to decrease anterior hip tightness
- All new movements will be in BOLD BELOW
- Daily Sequence: Goal 10-15 reps or 2-3min for MFR
- If you have pain, do any of these movements help to reduce pain
- 29.1) Prone to Supine Quad Stretch, Isometric, Active Motion VIDEO
- 31) Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO
- 33) Standing Foot on Chair/Step VIDEO
- Choose the movement that works best for you to feel a stretch in the front of the thigh without pain
- Posterior Hip Stretch/Activation Options (Choose 1)
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Basic Bridge position
- maintain flat low back
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Once again a mirror is a good idea
- Alternate Position
- Self Myofascial Release options
- You do not have to do all of these but they can be helpful to decrease tightness in the muscles that cross the hip
- If you find certain ones to be helpful, focus on those
- They should identify tender areas that get less tender the more you come back and do the activity
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Avoid doing this on any area that is really sensitive
- It should be uncomfortable but not so much that you feel like you con’t relax
- If this causes any back pin email me
- 27) Side Lying IT Band MFR VIDEO
- This is usually sensitive and sometimes too sensitive in certain spots so be careful
- If it is really uncomfortable, skip that area
- 38) Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO
- Option for the glute which can also be helpful in reducing pain
- Strength Circuit
- Complete every other day in addition to the movements above
- Goal 8-20 reps or 30-90sec when identify time is the goal
- You can go through the circuit 1-2x depending on your level of fatigue
- These movements are more challenging so keep in the mind the goal is muscle fatigue without increase in pain
- Circuit #1
- 109) Band Around Knees Bridge Progression VIDEO
- 8-20 reps slow
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Loading calf into a stretch
- 8-20 reps slow….once you get to 20 try dropping the reps down and attempting the movement below
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30-90sec in a painfree range
- may use a band around knees to further challenge glute
- 169) Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- Goal: 8-20 reps slow or 30-90sec
- Be careful that there is no pain with this one
- 109) Band Around Knees Bridge Progression VIDEO