Try the sequence below as it seems to address your greatest areas of weakness
- Rocking hands and knees with deep breath with each rock back, hands elevated on mats
- 5x
- Low lunge: Can have hands on the floor: hold each 5 sec
- repeat 5-10x each leg
- Sideplank on elbow and knees stacked on top of each other
- When you are on the Right elbow, let hips drop to floor and then come back up
- When you are on the left elbow, just hold, do not drop hips
- do each side for time 30-60sec
- Squat holding rope or pull up bar hanging ropes
- 1-2minutes
- Bear with option to progress to mountain climber
- Option 1 is the bear holds with the leg lifts that we have been doing
- 30-90sec alternating 5 sec holds with each foot in the air
- Option 2: mountain climber with something that slides
- DO NOT do it fast…slow first and keep back very still
- 30-90sec
- paper plates work well on carpet
- Option 1 is the bear holds with the leg lifts that we have been doing