- Below you will find an updated daily sequence to do every day and throughout the day as much as possible
- You will also find an updated strength sequence to do EVERYOTHER DAY
- New additions are in BOLD BELOW
- You are still welcome to come into the office anytime but try to give me some notice so I can leave you a space in the schedule
- My hours are:
- Monday 8-7 (Last appt is 6)
- Tuesday 11-7
- Wednesday 8-7
- Thursday 11-7
- Friday 1-3
- My hours are:
- Daily Sequence
- 52.1) Sidelying Concave Side Down Breathing and Climbing Isometric VIDEO
- Lying on the R side only
- Try the isometric contraction described in the video followed by the abdominl breathing
- 10) Standing Shift Correction/ Upper Extremity Abduction with Sidebend VIDEO
- R arm on the wall
- Continue to do this as much as possible
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Let me know if this one feels tighter or more sensitive on one side
- 52.1) Sidelying Concave Side Down Breathing and Climbing Isometric VIDEO
- Strength Sequence
- 18.1) Hands Elevated Childs pose Variation VIDEO
- 10-15x slow
- Let me know if you have any pain with this one
- 107) Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 18.1) Hands Elevated Childs pose Variation VIDEO