EC: Left Shoulder Impingement: Online Program (3-30-20)
This program will focus on adding a new movement every couple days so we can assess your body’s response to each new movement. As I give you these movements I encourage you to watch the video first and then try the movement.
It is very important to note that when in the office, I am constantly asking patients when they are doing an exercise a couple things
Is it causing any pain/discomfort
If it is, as you are doing it do you feel it is getting better, worse or staying the same as you continue to do it
How do you feel afterwards
If the answer is there is a little pain but it stays the same or gets better the more I do it, OR there is pain but when I stop the pain has not significantly increased, then that is fine to do
With this online program, you have to recognize if what you are doing feels helpful or harmful
If it doesn’t feel good or it causes pain, stop doing it and email me and I can make an adjustment