We talked about about some of the steps in return to training and higher level activity.
The first part of that is making sure each aspect of the the involved leg is close to equally strong and similar in flexibility
We started with a sequence that focuses on each aspect of the posterior chain, giving you a movement for the calf, hamstring, and glute along with some abdominal control. The key with this sequence is to avoid significant pain with any of these movements. Some of the movements below will come with a phase 1 and phase 2 option. Phase 1 movements can be done lightly everyday and should be done as a warm up as we progress to higher level activites. Phase 2 movements should only be done 3-4x per week
Phase 1: Self Myofascial Release Options
These movements are good to reduce pain and improve muscle activation
Once an area: Feels similar on both sides when using the ball, has similar mobility bilaterally, feel similar muscle burn/activation during strengthening movements…then at that point you typically do not need to to this in that area any longer. When I have pain, this is one of the first things I try to do for muscle pain, but once i do not have pain or tightness….I stop doing it. Below are the options we went over. Try to hit sensitive areas 1-2x a day