- Daily Movements/Warm Up Sequence
- Strength Circuit:
- Do the circuit 2-3x through
- Get through this without hurting yourself and we can add some more complex movements next phase
- Every Other Day
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- hold static both feet on ground for 30-90sec
- let me know if this causes knee pain
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Pick One)
- Quad Activation
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- 8-20 reps followed by an isometric hold for 30-90sec
- Can do with a band or leg ext machine
- The key is that you stay in a range short of knee pain
- Feel quad burn with no knee pain or significant “noise” in your knee of the patella grinding
- Hip Thrust Progression (Glute Activation)
- 99) Double Leg VIDEO
- 100) Single Leg VIDEO
- 8-20- reps
- I do this more on a weight bench now as opposed to a ball in the video
- Can do a band around the knees for double leg or add a light weight
- I would like you to work towards single leg rather then putting alot of weight on
- 170.6) 1/2 Kneel Clamshell with Band Followed by Hold with Forward Movement VIDEO
- This tried to coordinate glute and quad to work together
- Try for 8-20 reps of both movements
- If it hurts to kneel try the same in standing using a box/bench as seen below