- Warm Up/Daily Mobility
- Myofascial Release Options
- Ball Roll full knee range of motion (10-15 reps)
- Bridge (10-15 reps)
- Ball hamstring Isometric and Stretch (10 reps hold each 5 sec)
- Wall heelraise (10-15 reps)
- Posterior Hip Mobilization Options:
- Strength Circuits: Repeat each circuit 2 sets, 2-3x per week
- Circuit #1
- Deadlifts: Kettlebell or barbell but don’t go into alot of knee bend
- Slow negative 3-5 sec on the way down
- Come up quicker driving through heels
- Get to a point where you feel hamstring tension and come back up
- 8-15 reps
- Bear:
- 30-90sec
- If you can hold 90sec, switch to single leg lifts holding each leg lift 5-10sec and alternating legs for 30-90sec
- If there is knee pain try the version below instead
- Circuit #2
- Squat Progression (Choose 1)
- Phase 1: Pulses in short range: 30-90sec, Can use a band around the knees to increase challenge and sometimes reduce knee pain
- Phase 2: Body weight Band around the knees 8-20 reps in painfree range
- Phase 3: Goblet Squat 8-20 reps
- Ball Bridge Progression
- 8-15 reps
- Slow and controlled
- Circuit #3
- Bar hang Knees to Chest
- Hip Thrust
- 8-20 reps
- Don’t jump up in weight too quick, do it slow and try to avoid anterior knee pain by bending knee less if you have to
- Circuit #4
- Band Side Step…band around ankles slow, 8-20 reps
- lateral lunge slide
- You need to hold onto something
- Don’t go too far out to the side
- Feel inner thigh tension and miantain abdominal control