- Daily Sequence
- This can be done daily and may serve as a warm up/cool down pre activity
- Some of these movements are easy tp do and may be used multiple times per day to break up static postures
- 55) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- Easy to do throughout day in sitting
- 5-10x holding each 5 sec…don’t do it too hard
- 3) Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- This improved your ability to rotate right
- 5x in and out slow, re establish light chin tuck each time
- Can be done to both sides by going right will help right rotation
- 36.1) Supine Foam Roll Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- Good option for thoracic mobility
- rolled up towel, pool noodle, yoga mat rolled up
- 5-10x at 3 different spots
- 105.1) Pelvic Clock Progression into Bridge VIDEO
- Keep ab tension as you raise into bridge
- 8-15x
- Strength Movements: Try for 3-4 days in a week as a circuit…go through it 2-3x
- 57.1) 1/2 Kneel Band Pull Down Thoracic Ext Prog VIDEO
- slow and controlled
- 5-15 reps
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-15x
- 95.4) Supine Band Pull Apart VIDEO
- We didn’t go over this but it is a good one
- 8- 20 reps
- 57.1) 1/2 Kneel Band Pull Down Thoracic Ext Prog VIDEO