Try to give me some feed back on my instructions below
Try to assess which movements you get the most out of and if any are specifically helpful
Ideally we pinpoint 2-3 movements that feel good even when you are on pain to help reduce or prevent pain from increasing
I understand the hamstring and the QL seem to be increased with golf swing
I want you to try a couple things for me
I will post my taping techniques for QL and hamstring…I know you have used the tape but everyone’s technique is a little different so I would like you to try mine. I will post a video of it tomorrow
When something hurts…Your options are to stretch it or lightly move it, massage or dig into it, and activate it
If something hurts, first lines of attack are to massage around the painful area without putting too much pressure directly on it
You have to assess is this helpful or making me more sore. I always ask people “Do you feel better, worse, or the same after doing it”. If the answer is the same or better then that is worth exploring.
For the QL:
Try Movement #10 and #6….do number 6 lightly, it progresses to strengthening but if it is sore don’t progress to the sideplank option
For the hamstring
Try movement #7, #9 and and #8…#8 starts to activate it so be careful…if there is any significant pain it may not b ready for number 8, but number 8 may work when it is not flared up
If it does, try to stop short of pain or do not do that particular movement
Currently we have standing rotation and sidebending as movements to recheck and make sure the movements i give you to do are helpful
Just make sure as you do each movement I give you, don’t go too far too fast. Over stretching will likely increase your symptoms. Move slowly into a light amount of tension without pulling too hard.
This is another option to keep QL from tightening up while playing, pre and post golf
You will find 2 options in this video
With hip sag towards the wall you will probably want your right hand on the wall which will lengthen your R side
For the reach up and over option it would be left hand on the wall
I would like to know what tightens up as you golf or hit balls
Try the movement above, movement #5, and movement # 2before and after to see if one tightens up more then others and if you do one of those movements intermittently 5-10x as you hit balls does it keep your back from tightening up on that side…let me know
This takes the wall position above and progresses into a sideplank shift which will stretch and strengthen that area, but it is an increase in load so it can make you sore or increase pain if done too much…so be careful. Hold on this one if you feel anything remotely painful because this can flare things up if it is too much pressure on that area