- I am going to put these pages together to organize a review of the most important concepts and information
- Upper Cross Pattern: What is it?
- Neck pain you have a few basic types
- Muscular/Postural neck pain
- These individuals have pain that is in the neck or shoulders
- Usually worse with static postures or repetitive activities
- Can be a result of shoulder or periscapular weakness leading to overuse of other areas
- these guys do well with some self myofascial release
- Neck pain that is really sensitive and may include headaches
- This may be some post concussion or MVA
- It can also be some of your chronic neck pain people who just come across hyper sensitive
- I am careful with these individuals to avoid doing too many interventions that directly impact the neck
- Meaning I may have them do some lower body stuff or I might do their upper body stuff supine to avoid their liklihood of tensing the neck too much
- These guys respond well to cupping or light graston
- Cervical Radiculopathy or nerve pain into the arm
- Initial goals are to figure out which movements trigger their pain and focus on movements that centralize or do not provoke arm pain
- Common easy initial movements: These are found in the upper quarter section in the exercise library
- Muscle Activation positions
- After we review these I may add some of the other strength positions.