HC: Softball Player with R Frozen Shoulder Underlying Labral Tear (In office patient) 8-20-18

  • 12-17 Follow Up
    • Exam revealed limitation in R shoulder IR, limitation in R shoulder overhead flexion, slight limitation in reach behind the back on the right compared to the left
    • We discussed the importance of maintaining shoulder IR ROM with the sleeper stretch position
      • Isometric resisting the back of the hand/wrist 5x5sec
      • Then passive IR stretch, if no pain can hold 10-15sec and repeat 5 -10x 2x/day
      • Keep some awareness that you are not starting to lose IR by checking the reach behind the back position
        • Check how well you can get your fists to touch behind your back
        • Look in a mirror a look at overhead motion to make sure you are able to keep elbow straight and move through similar motion
    • Strengthening:
      • Ideally can be done 2-3x per week
      • We discussed the importance of shoulder blade position
      • Hold off on dips
      • push ups can be done but keep them shallow
      • Shoulder impingement general information:
  • 10-26 Updates
    • Added some new concepts to your strength and warm up sequence…look for them below
  • 10-12 Updates
    • We focused on band positions that challenge the shoulder in various throwing positions
    • Also band postions the move across the body
    • Look for them below in your strength circuit
  •  10-5
    • Reviewed throwing progression
    • Allowed to initiate hitting (Phase 1 follow the levels below at 50% effort swings/Slaps, Phase 2: follow levels below but do 1/2 of the swing amount at max swing and 1/2 at 50%/slaps, for example phase 2 level 1 would be 10 swings at 50% effort or done as more of a slap and 10 swings at normal effort
      • level 1: 20 swings
      • level 2: 30 swings
      • Level 3: 40 swings
      • Level 4: 50 swings
    • Ideal week should look like this
    • Day 1: Mobility routine and hitting/throwing
    • Day 2: Mobility routine and strength
    • Day 3 Mobility routine
    • Day 4: Mobility routine and throwing/hitting
    • Day 5: Mobility routine and strength
    • Day 6 Mobility routine
    • Day 7: rest/ optional hitting and throwing/optional strength
    • Day 7 as you get more into softball training will be more hitting and throwing and strength only the other 2 days….If it is more off season you are better off keeping the 3 strength days and only 2 hitting/throwing
  • 9-28 Initiated return to throwing program and hitting specific movements in the strength program
    • See updates to strength program below in bold
    • Ideally, you do not want to throw and strengthen on the same day
    • Throwing Program
      • Positions:
        • (SA) Short Arm throw from one knee
        • (SFT) Standing FULL Throw from specified distance
        • (UHPP) Under Hand Pre Pitch (Under hand throw without full arc motion)
        • (FPWU) Full Pitch Wind Up throw: Use the distance from the mound to home
        • These rules are meant to guide you in regards to the amount of rest necessary between sessions and how to progress in the level of difficulty
      • LEVELS
        1. SA: 10x 30feet, UHPP: 10x 30feet, repeat 3x
        2. SA: 10x 30feet, UHPP: 10x 30feet, repeat 4x
        3. SA: 10x 30feet, UHPP: 10x 30feet, repeat 5x
        4. SA: 10x 30feet, UHPP: 10x 30feet, repeat 3x
        5. SA: 10x30feet, UHPP: 10x30feet, SFT: 10x30feet, repeat 3x
          1. We were here on 10-5-18 but only did 2 rounds
        6. SA: 10x30feet, UHPP: 10x30feet, SFT: 10x30feet, SFT: 10x40feet, repeat 3x
        7. SA: 10x30feet, UHPP: 10x30feet, SFT: 10x30feet, 10x40feet, 10x50feet, repeat 3x
        8. SA: 10x30feet, UHPP: 10x30feet, SFT: 10x30feet, 10x40feet, 10x50feet, 10x 60feet repeat 3x
        9. Repeat above 4x
        10. SFT: 10x45feet, UHPP: 10x from the mound, FPWU: 10x 25-50% effort, repeat 3x
        11. Repeat above 4x
        12. Repeat above 5x
        13. SFT: 10x45feet, UHPP: 10x from the mound, FPWU: 10x 25-50% effort,FPWU: 10x 50-75% effort, repeat 3x
        14. Repeat above 4x
        15. Repeat above 5x
        16. SFT: 10x45feet, UHPP: 10x from the mound, FPWU: 10x 25-50% effort, FPWU: 10x 50-75% effort, FPWU: 10x 75%-Max  effort, repeat 3x
        17. Repeat above 4x
        18. Repeat above 5x
  • FIFTH VISIT: 9-7: Overhead shoulder motion only a slight deficit with difficulty actively lifting arm and difficulty coming through the wind up of the pitching motion. We progressed overhead strength in the circuits below
  • Fourth Visit
  • Hannah Clunk eval
  • Second Visit
    • Noted Improvement in shoulder extension and reaching behind her back range of motion. Her capacity for active flexion still significantly limited but was able to move through near full range in the elevated childs pose position
  • Third Visit (8-24)
    • Progressing well with nearly symmetrical ext, ER, and combined ext with IR into reaching behind the back
    • Most limited in shoulder flexion but also progressing
    • Updates to program below in BOLD
  • Daily Movements
  • Every Other Day Sequence Which Incorporates the Movements Above: 2 sets of each circuit