IZ: Pars Defect in a Baseball Player: In Office Patient (8-9-18)

9-18 Update



Updated Strength Circuits: Complete 3-4 days per week, 2 sets of each circuit

If everything goes well through next week doing the routine below, he can start gradual return to hitting

Gradually ramping up hitting count,

  • Level1: 20 balls light swings (50% of max)
  • Level 2: 30 balls light swings
  • Level3 : 40 balls light swings
  • Level 4: 10 full swings 30 light
  • Level 5: 20 full 20 light
  • Level 6: 30 full 10 light
  • Level 7: 40 full

Soreness Rules

  • *These rules are meant to guide your progress through a hitting pogression in an effort to allow individuals to progress safely without over training. They are based on the symptoms that you experience during and after workouts. These rules are based on an article in the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy that set up a program for individuals returning to running following ACL repair.
    1. Soreness during the warm up that continues during the session = 2 days off, drop down a level
    2. Soreness during the warm up that goes away = Stay at that level
    3. Soreness during the warm up that goes away but redevelops during session = 2 days off, drop down a level
    4. Soreness the day after (not muscle soreness) = 1 day off, do not advance program
    5. No Soreness = Advance 1 level once there is no soreness for 3 consecutive attempts at that level