- 11-29-17 Updates
- Daily Sequence
- 58) Deep Neck Flexor with Cervical Extension Off Bed VIDEO
- can do with or without pillowcase
- 102) Hamstring Isometric Standing/1/2 Kneel VIDEO
- self muscle energy technique for pelvis, get as much space between front heel and back foot as comfortable
- Split front to back: rock front toe in and out
- Split standing rock from hand to hand
- 58) Deep Neck Flexor with Cervical Extension Off Bed VIDEO
- Daily Sequence
- Strength Circuits Update
- Circut#7
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 181.2) Single Leg Stance with weight VIDEO
- 25lbs front to back taps
- 82) Bear Up Wall to Hand Stand VIDEO
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Circut#7
- Daily core/mobility sequence: 10-15 reps of each
- Strength Circuits: To be completed 3-4x/week
- Choose 2-3 circuits per day
- Do 2 sets, 1/2 as many reps on the second set
- Circuit#1
- Circuit#2
- Circuit#3
- Circuit #4
- Circuit #5
- Circuit#6 (10-26-17)