Phase 1: Daily Movements
- L-4 Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Do 10-20reps on the tighter side (laying on the right) and 1/2 as many reps on the more flexible side
- Laying on R side with pillow under pelvis, bottom knee bent up towards chest and top leg knee bent but hip extended, raise L arm up overhead as you inhale
- 10-20 reps on the tighter side
- N-1A Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- L-47 Phase 3 Dynamic Movement 3 Planes Balance VIDEO
- We focused on the first movement in the video and I want you to let you back arch a little working into extension form your hip up through the shoulders
- 10-20reps with 1/2 as many on the more flexible side
- N-21 Lying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
- Pillow case up the wall keeping pressure on wall as you pull downward